The Return of Ethnographic Theory

Hau Books is committed to publishing the most distinguished texts in classic and contemporary sociocultural anthropology and related social sciences. Along with Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, our publications highlight ethnography, based on extended fieldwork, as the prime heuristic of anthropology and the wellspring of conceptual developments in the discipline. In partnership with The University of Chicago Press and Knowledge Unlatched, Hau offers its titles in print editions, open-access PDFs, and sometimes e-books.

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On Kings CoverOn Kings
David Graeber & Marshall Sahlins
Wittgenstein coverThe Mythology in Our Language
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Magic CoverMagic: A Theory from the South
Ernesto de Martino
Cover Coming SoonThe Relative Native
Eduardo Viveiros de Castro

Turner CoverThe Fire of the Jaguar
Terence S. Turner
Hamayon CoverWhy We Play
Roberte Hamayon



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