New Releases

Who Killed Jules Crevaux?
Isabelle Combès

How French Moderns Think
Frédéric Keck

How Is It Between Us?
Jarrett Zigon

A Witch’s Hand
William E. Mitchell


Upcoming Releases

Agricultural Reason
Arjun Appadurai

Becoming Somebody Else
Joshua Burraway

Georges Dumézil



Published Titles

Capturing Imagination CoverCapturing Imagination
Carlo Severi

Rituals and Annals
Valerio Valeri

Turner CoverThe Fire of the Jaguar
Terence S. Turner

Anti-Witch Cover

The Anti-Witch
Jeanne Favret-Saada


Magic CoverMagic: A Theory from the South
Ernesto de Martino

Four Lectures CoverFour Lectures on Ethics
Michael Lambek, Veena Das, Didier Fassin, Webb Keane

Translating Worlds CoverTranslating Worlds
Edited by Carlo Severi & William F. Hanks
Cover Coming SoonThe Relative Native
Eduardo Viveiros de Castro
Moore CoverComparing Impossibilities
Sally Falk Moore
Strathern CoverBefore and After Gender
Marilyn Strathern
Hamayon CoverWhy We Play
Roberte Hamayon



On Kings CoverOn Kings
David Graeber & Marshall Sahlins
Turner CoverFrom Hospitality to Grace
Julian Pitt-Rivers
Chimera Principle Cover

The Chimera Principle
Carlo Severi

Bonnemere Cover

Acting for Others
Pascale Bonnemère


Edited by Jacob Copeman & Giovanni da Col

Gifts and Commodities Cover

Gifts and Commodities
Chris A. Gregory

Deborah Puccio-Den


Kriti Kapila

Sūq: Geertz on the Market
Clifford Geertz


Malinowski Monographs

The Ethics of Space
Steph Grohmann

Mosko CoverWays of Baloma
Mark S. Mosko


Carey coverMistrust
Matthew Carey

Ssorin-Chaikov coverTwo Lenins
Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov

Graif CoverBeing and Hearing
Peter Graif



Essays in Ethnographic Theory

How Is It Between Us?
Jarrett Zigon

Unexpected Subjects
Alessandra Gribaldo

Arctic Madness
Pierre Déléage



Collective Volumes in Ethnographic Theory

Fernando Ortiz
Edited by Stephan Palmié

Pandemic Exposures
Edited by Didier Fassin and Marion Fourcade

The Real Economy
Edited by Federico Neiburg & Jane I. Guyer

Science in the Forest, Science in the Past
Edited by Geoffrey Lloyd & Aparecida Vilaça


Happiness Cover

Values of Happiness
Edited by Iza Kavedžija & Harry Walker

Lecture Series and Classics

Pandora’s Box
Gilbert Lewis

Martin Cover

The Meaning of Money
Emily Martin


Masterclass Vol 1 CoverCosmological Perspectivism
Eduardo Viveiros de Castro

Masterclass Vol 2 CoverLearning to See in Melanesia
Marilyn Strathern

Classics of Ethnographic Theory Vol 1 CoverThe Maori and His Religion
Jørgen Prytz-Johansen