The Malinowski Monographs

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The Malinowski Monographs showcase outstanding monographs that contribute to the emergence of new ethnographically grounded theory. In tribute to the foundations of anthropology in the ethnographic enterprise, this series honors Bronislaw Malinowski, who coined the term “ethnographic theory.” The series publishes short monographs that develop and critique key concepts in ethnographic theory and standard anthropological monographs, based on original research, that emphasize the analytical move from ethnography to theory.

Malinowski Monographs (-2021)

The Ethics of Space
Steph Grohmann

Mosko CoverWays of Baloma
Mark S. Mosko


Carey coverMistrust
Matthew Carey

Ssorin-Chaikov coverTwo Lenins
Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov

Graif CoverBeing and Hearing
Peter Graif



Deborah Puccio-Den